This summary note presents the results of the project Capitalization of stakeholder experiences for the development of resilient agroecological techniques in West Africa (CALAO).
The aim of the study was to carry out an evaluation and capitalize on the experiences acquired by various actors in West Africa (Togo, Burkina Faso and Senegal), to make available to practitioners, political authorities and cooperation institutions. :
The CALAO project was coordinated by Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF) and implemented by the associations AVSF, Gret, CARI, Agrisud International, ENDA Pronat (Senegal), ARFA (Burkina Faso), RAFIA, and Inades-Formation (Togo), as well as Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD, Dakar), Université Nazi Boni (UNB, formerly UPB), Ecole Supérieure d’Agronomie du Togo (ESA-UL), and the association Inter-réseaux Développement rural.
The CALAO project was co-financed by AVSF, GRET, Agrisud and CARI in the framework of Groupe de travail sur les transitions agroécologiques (GTAE).