This publication of the United Nations Convention to combat desertification (UNCCD) civil society organisations panel (CSO Panel) studies the land rights and tenure security roles in attaining land degradation neutrality (LDN). It provides recommendations in order to use land rights in combatting land degradation.
[Authors’ summary: Secure rights to land and other natural resources is a primary factor in achieving the land degradation neutrality (LDN) goals; and the associated improvements in food, water, and livelihood security. As UNCCD, the CSO Panel, and partners in government, civil society and the donor and investment communities move forward with LDN targets, the role of land rights in both degradation and recovery processes are brought to the fore. This document is a CSO Panel publication that examines the linkages between land rights and land degradation, and provides a land rights perspective to the UNCCD LDN framework. It also provides policy and practice options and recommendations for using land rights as a set of tools in both the prevention of land degradation, and in the recovery of degraded lands. The document draws on the UNCCD CSO Panel’s expertise, along with the current scientific, policy and practitioner literature on land rights and degradation.]
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