
Notes of SUD #36 - Fight Desertification to Deal with Climate Change

Type de publication :
Document / Papier de position
Année de publication : 2022
Pays : France, Mauritanie, Brésil, Cameroun
ISBN : 2558-6815
Langue(s) : Anglais

Présentation du document

Climate change, biodiversity loss and desertification are closely linked and interdependent phenomena. They are on the agenda for the year 2022, the World Water Forum and the COP15 of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. During its presidency of the European Union, France can lead a positive dynamic during these major international events.
This note from Coordination SUD's Climate and Development Commission explains how civil society organizations are providing evidence of the multiple benefits of deploying agroecology and concerted natural resource management in drylands.
It was written by CARI, Grdr and Planète Urgence.

Find the French version here.

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